Trademark Customs Protection

Trademark Customs Protection

Trademark customs protection is a measure to prevent the importation of illegal copies of trademark owners’ registered trademarks. Through this protection, trademark owners can prevent their products from being counterfeited and placed on the market.


The Importance of Trademark Customs Protection

One of the most important aspects of trademark customs protection is the prevention of trademark infringement. Especially in global markets, brand owners are concerned about counterfeits of their products being brought into the market from abroad. With this protection, the entry of counterfeit products is prevented through customs inspections, thus protecting the brand reputation.
In addition, trademark customs protection contributes to the prevention of unfair competition. The introduction of counterfeit goods into the market can cause damage to the trademark owner and mislead consumers. Customs checks therefore help to maintain a fair trading environment.

How to Secure Trademark Customs Protection?

Trademark owners apply to the relevant customs office to place their trademarks under customs protection. During the application process, the trademark must be registered and the countries in which the customs protection will be valid must be determined. Upon acceptance of the application, the trademark is used to detect counterfeit products detected during customs controls.
Companies or public organizations that provide trademark customs protection also support trademark owners in this process. These services are of great importance, especially for brands engaged in international trade.

Providers of Trademark Customs Protection Services

Trademark customs protection services are usually provided by private firms or customs authorities. Private firms provide consultancy services to trademark owners and manage the application process. Customs administrations, on the other hand, evaluate trademark protection requests and conduct inspections at customs.
Public institutions usually coordinate trademark customs protection services across the country and protect the rights of trademark owners through international cooperation.


Trademark customs protection is an important mechanism that enables trademark owners to protect their registered trademarks in international trade. This protection can prevent trademark infringement, prevent unfair competition and promote fair trade. By utilizing these services, trademark owners can ensure the safety of their trademarks and maintain the trust of consumers.



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