Trademark Registration


Trademark Registration, according to the definition in the Industrial Property Law, is “Any kind of sign, including words, shapes, colors, letters, numbers, sounds and the form of goods or their packaging, including personal names, provided that it enables the goods or services of an undertaking to be distinguished from the goods or services of other undertakings and can be shown in the registry in a way that can provide a clear and precise understanding of the subject of the protection provided to the trademark owner”
In this context, it is important to register each value you create in order to distinguish it from other businesses or to prevent imitation.

How Many Years Are Trademarks Protected?

Trademark is protected for 10 years as of the date of application. Every 10 years can be renewed and the unlimited period can be extended.

  • Does it have to be a Company for Trademark Registration?

    Trademarks can be registered on behalf of individuals or legal entities. It is not necessary to be a Company or a Legal Entity to own a trademark.

  • What are the Rights Provided by Trademark Registration?

    The registered trademark gives the owner a monopoly right. It gives the authority to prevent unauthorized use or imitation of the trademark.

Brand Compliance Research

Trademarks must not have been registered by others before filing a registration application. In this context, it is essential to conduct a compliance search in the areas where the trademark operates and in the relevant Nice classes before the application. In order to prevent possible rejection decisions, it is very important to conduct a detailed research before the application and to evaluate the risks in order to prevent loss of money and time.

Creating a Registrable Trademark

According to 2023 data, an average of 15 thousand trademark applications are filed monthly in Turkey, both domestically and internationally. Therefore, the possibility of an original trademark is decreasing day by day. For this reason, it is important to get professional support for trademarks that can be registered in order to prevent possible time and cost losses.

When creating a brand, it is not correct to focus only on a trademark that can be registered. If a successful brand is targeted, it would be better to brand by finding an expression that connects with the customer outside of registrability, that can create a reflex for products and services, and that is suitable for the target audience and field of activity. Because successful brands climb the ladder of success by creating a special bond with the customer and giving confidence.
In addition, your logo, the color combination in the brand, your slogan and design elements should appeal to your target audience as a whole and express your products and services in the best way. Brands are a whole with all the elements mentioned above.
In this context, we offer our partners brands that are suitable for their mission, vision and target audience, that connect with their customers, that best express their services, that are accurate, creative and memorable, and that can be registered.

Brand Monitoring

Registering your trademark is not enough on its own. Your registered trademark must be followed in the market and in Trademark Bulletins. On average, 15 thousand trademark applications are filed monthly and the appropriate ones are published for two months. If there is no objection during this period, the trademarks are registered. It is important to detect malicious or similar trademarks, otherwise you risk commercial damage and loss of reputation. In this case, the only way to cancel the trademarks is through the court, which is time-consuming and costly. We provide the most comprehensive protection by monitoring our partners’ trademarks, reviewing published bulletins, identifying similar trademarks and opposing them when necessary.


Giz patent olarak, yenilikçi fikirlerinizi koruma altına almanız için kapsamlı hizmetler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimizle, başvurularınızdan tescil süreçlerinize kadar her adımda yanınızdayız. Markanızı, buluşlarınızı ve ticari sırlarınızı koruyarak, işinizi güvenle büyütmenizi sağlıyoruz.

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